Recently, we have finished one of the best climate accelerators in the European Union’s EIT Climate-KIC.
How was it?
Due to the pandemic restrictions, organizers of EIT Climate-KIC decided to move the boot camp and the following sessions to an online format. Due to this, the start of the program was postponed from April to June.
Nevertheless, this change didn’t influence the quality of workshops and sessions, where we polished our pitch, financial model and went through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
We would like to give thanks to our mentor Mark Mogalle and the organizers’ team, especially Frans Nauta and Erik Faassen for their support and pieces of advice.
As a result of intensive work during June-October of 2020, we gained the opportunity to be among five teams selected to present their projects to investors at the #DealStream pitching event on November 18th.
Besides that, we received €10k grant from EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator, which played a role of fine bridge financing before our seed round.
#DealStream is an online round-up of the latest investment opportunities from the 2020 ClimateLaunchpad Accelerator Climate-KIC.
You learn more about it by watching the video below:
What is EIT Climate-KIC?
EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator is an acceleration programme of the European Union that is focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
We won the right to participate in this batch of accelerator by making into the Top 16 in ClimateLaunchpad Global Grand Final, exactly a year ago, in November 2019.